FOR SAMA at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

On October 17th, 2019 The US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. hosted a screenign of FOR SAMA and a panel discussion with the filmmakers. 

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is living memorial to the Holocaust that inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity and the venue is a reminder of the need to combat the human rights atrocities still taking place today, as seen in the film.

Welcome remarks were made by Raney Aronson-Rath, Executive Producer at FRONTLINE PBS, who said “This is much more than just a film: It's an unforgettable journey that places you at the heart of one of the most tragic conflicts of our time."

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The evening’s programme encompassed an opening  statement to intorduce the film by Ms Halina Peabody, a Holocaust Survivor and Volunteer at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Her full speech can be viewed here.

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After the film screening, Naomi Kikoler, Director of the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide at the Museum, hosted a panel disucssion with Waad al-Kateab, Ed Watts and Dr. Hamza al-Kateab. The Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center is dedicated to stimulating timely global action to prevent genocide and to catalyze an international response when genocide does occur. 

Ms Kikoler closed the discussion by saying “the legacy of this work is going to live on for future generations and you have helped to set a historical record and hopefully it will also help to advance justice and the creation of a more fair Syria, one in which you're able to go home or other colleagues are able to go home, live and thrive in a diverse society, so it's an incredible honor and privilege for us to be able to host you tonight.” 

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Watch the full discussion on Youtube here.


Action for Sama is in an independent campaign by the filmmakers of For Sama, which aims to end the targeting of healthcare facilities and civilians in Syria. To find out more and learn how you can take action, visit

Watch For Sama on Channel 4 (UK) and PBS Frontline (US)


Team For Sama at Harvard: University Screening & Interview


MPs Experience For Sama in UK Parliament