From Syria to the UK, with the help of our artist Abo Modar we re-created signs that have been held across Syria throughout the past 11 years. Year after year, we want the world to know that we’ll never give up on our cause

Abo Modar whilst preparing the signs before the gathering

London March 2022.


Idlib, Syria


Aleppo, Syria 04/03/2016


Southern Damascus, Syria 2016


Darea, Damascus suburbs, Syria


Daraa, Syria 18/03/2018


Has, Idlib, Syria


Aleppo, Syria


Wisam, Abo Modar and Afraa’s son. A survivor from Aleppo protesting as a refugee London, UK 19/03/2022 PH by: Abd Alkader Habak

Abo Modar, AFS’s own artist and activist who has re-created the signs in an amzing

London, UK 19/03/2022 PH by: Abd Alkader Habak

Afraa Hashem, AFS’s own activist and speaker who survived the attacks on Aleppo and still protesting against the regime from London

London, UK 19/03/2022 PH by: Abd Alkader Habak

Dr. Hamza Al-Khateeb, a doctor who founded and managed Al-Quds hospital, the hospital that kept standing till the very end in Aleppo.

London, UK 19/03/2022 PH by: Abd Alkader Habak

Abo Modar, AFS’s own artist and activist who has re-created the signs in an amzing

London, UK 19/03/2022 PH by: Waad AlKhateeb

Left to right:

Dr.Munzer Khalil, an orthopaedic surgeon who has only left Syria recently. He has done an amazing job in Idlib to organise the medical work by founding Idlib’s health directorate.

Dr.Mohamad Kajouj, a doctor who lived and worked at Aleppo in several hospitals under shelling and bombardment - Now he’s an ENT Surgeon in York

Dr. Abdulselam Daif, an ENT surgeon who has worked in multiple makeshift hospitals in east Aleppo, who also plays a leading humanitarian role in Syria’s civil society

London, UK 19/03/2022 PH by: Waad AlKhateeb

Dr. Abdulselam Daif, an ENT surgeon who has worked in multiple makeshift hospitals in east Aleppo, who also plays a leading humanitarian role in Syria’s civil society

London, UK 19/03/2022 PH by: Abd Alkader Habak

Ayman Alshiekh, a doctor who lived through the siege of Aleppo and worked in its hospitals through all of the years of the shelling - Now he’s working in the NHS in Manchester

London, UK 19/03/2022 PH by: Abd Alkader Habak